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Coaching: Teaching Proper Baseball Mechanics

Quote of the Week

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. -Anatole France
Show me a guy whos afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time. -Lou Brock
We must suffer from one of two pains...the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs a ton.- unknown

Riddles of the month

Read the riddles and send me your answer or post if you like. Challenge your mind and try not to cheat.

What comes once in a minute twice ina moment but nerver in a thousand years?

A man pushes his car to a hotel and goes bankrupt, Why does he go bankrupt?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I can see podcasting as a useful tool for my classroom for homework assignments or lectures, and even more applicable to college level classes when teaching. This would be a great resource for online lectures and speeches for my students to get a good grasp on the content and even advice on other assigments. I think this is a very useful tool that I have become very familiar with and am happy to say that I can use in my own classroom or for coaching.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


What did you find interesting about the wiki Concept?
What was most interesting is anyone can add to these online encyclopedia concepts, the sources can be unreliable because of this because anyone is allowed to post information. Being that I use wikis quite a bit I like them because for the most part the information it has to offer is most times helpful and informational.
Many teachers/faculty "ban" wikipedia as a source for research. What do you think of the practice of limiting information by format?
I don't think it's as fair to say to your students you can't use this site as a resource just because your average joe can submit to it. I have found most of the information is pretty reliable, because who wants to ruin a good thing. I don't like it to be honest.

Which wiki did you edit?
Went into baseball and edited bat and ball games to say crazy kickball is another version of the sport of baseball.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Google Docs

Describe how you could use each of the Google applications discussed tonight in a classroom setting.

  • Google Calender could be very useful for scheduling things for your students, faculty, or staff members, or even sporting events. This tool would be very helpful and useful for anyone who is unorganized like myself. I will most likely use this tool in the future.
  • Igoogle- would be very useful for those who can't afford the word processing programs because it uses the tools very similar to that used on windows if not exact. I would instruct my lesser fortunate students who have access to a library to use such programs to do assignments if I were to assign them one for a class
  • Picaso- is very useful for any blog site, or networking site. I could definity use this application for my classes and online resumes to show prospecting principals who I am and how I work with the kids In a gym class.
  • Knol- Is alot like wiki I could use it for personal experiences and knowledge on certain issues. I could have my students post their assignment or research projects on this site so that they could late be used as an example for students who come through my class again. This site is a good tool for random pieces of knowledge but it is not exactly credible.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blackboard and D2L

I think both of the systems are just about the same, I know I was researching pros and cons, and blackboard was claiming that D2L was stealing formats and the way they set up their learning tools. There is still an ongoing investigation and lawsuit going on between these to companies. Moodle and blackboard seems like it would be alot less secure than D2L. I think maybe because I am used to D2L already I am a bit biased but I do feel strongly that D2L is strong site for professors and students to use for giving quizzes and posting information about their classes. D2L is more geared towards College students.

Using Zoho

Which of these tools is easier for you to use? Both are pretty easy to use but I could see how this would be cost efficient for a school.
How do the features of each compare? Does one have features that would make you choose it over the other? The features for the most part are the same and very easy to use. No not really
What would the Founding Fathers think? I think the founding fathers would think it was pretty sweet and would save schools and organizations alot of money if more people knew about it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

RSS feed

I could see the use of an RSS feed being useful in my class if I need them to quickly get to my page and I need to quickly get to their page or for them to subscribe to my posts or vise versa. This is helpful because then there can be no excuses for my students to not get my messages or information that may be needed for an assigment. Or they can use it for favorite sports or activities or they can get updates quickly and efficiently without them having to spend alot of time looking for what they need. This is a very useful tool. Thanks for reading, stay classy.

Dave Deminsky

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by baseb12dave
Playing Card?

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by baseb12dave
puzzles can be fun

me and nicole

me and nicole
Originally uploaded by baseb12dave
Me and my Cousine at my sisters wedding

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Prompts

Are you a member of any online communities?
Yes. Facebook.

Are any of these social networks appealing you?
Yes Facebook is very appealing because most of the the individuals that access Facebook are college individuals like myself and the site is alot more secure than Myspace.

What did you find that was interesting and that you might use later?
Posting pictures, communicating. I would use it later so that I can find out information for classes or know what is going on within my group of friends or what I might have to do later for school, work, or baseball.


Welcome to my blogspot, feel free to look around. Any questions or comments just post or ask. Thanks for visiting.

My Roots: Husky Baseball